detecting potholes in R

Roman Popat - The Data Lab
12/06/2017 @rmnppt rmnppt


condition monitoring the road

CivTech 1.0 Winners

pothole map

  • Accelerometer signal > Threshold
  • 2.5s @ 100Hz captures
  • Human verified & measured

the data

# A tibble: 646,015 x 6
      id pothole_id  sort            x          y          z
   <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
 1     1          1     0  0.008300781 -0.3076630 -1.0217590
 2     2          1     1 -0.007507324 -0.2951202 -0.9965515
 3     3          1     2 -0.021316528 -0.2960968 -0.9669495
 4     4          1     3 -0.019989014 -0.3049469 -0.9341583
 5     5          1     4 -0.011123657 -0.3166504 -0.9088593
 6     6          1     5 -0.009292603 -0.3313751 -0.8655090
 7     7          1     6 -0.001800537 -0.3349457 -0.8573151
 8     8          1     7 -0.011154175 -0.3375397 -0.8693085
 9     9          1     8 -0.029937744 -0.3394012 -0.8852539
10    10          1     9 -0.085311890 -0.3360596 -0.8842010
# ... with 646,005 more rows

the data

# A tibble: 2,562 x 8
      id verified latitude longitude gravity_threshold          created_at
   <dbl>    <int>    <dbl>     <dbl>             <dbl>               <chr>
 1    15        0 55.86916 -4.203986         0.0000000 2016-11-16 09:28:32
 2    14        1 55.86940 -4.203184         0.0000000 2016-11-16 09:28:27
 3    13        1 55.86943 -4.203083         0.0000000 2016-11-16 09:28:23
 4    33        0 55.95801 -3.208395         1.1653390 2016-11-23 15:01:43
 5    16        1 55.86904 -4.204424         0.0000000 2016-11-16 09:28:37
 6    17        0 55.86891 -4.205028         1.0638300 2016-11-16 09:28:41
 7    18        0 55.86865 -4.206044         1.0638300 2016-11-16 09:28:46
 8    19        0 55.86859 -4.206300         1.0638300 2016-11-16 09:28:56
 9    20        0 55.86810 -4.208178         0.4738878 2016-11-16 09:29:10
10    21        1 55.86807 -4.208325         0.4738878 2016-11-16 09:29:16
# ... with 2,552 more rows, and 2 more variables: updated_at <chr>,
#   verified_model <int>

wrangling (tidyverse)


segments <- data_points %>%
  group_by(pothole_id) %>%
  nest(x, y, z) %>%
  left_join(., potholes, by = c("pothole_id" = "id")) %>%
  mutate(verified = verified == 1) %>%
  mutate(x = map(data, "x")) %>%
  mutate(y = map(data, "y")) %>%
  mutate(z = map(data, "z")) %>%
  mutate(length = map(data, nrow)) %>%
  filter(length == 250) %>% # segments vary in length
  select(pothole_id, verified, x, y, z) 

# A tibble: 2,577 x 5
   pothole_id verified           x           y           z
        <dbl>    <lgl>      <list>      <list>      <list>
 1          1       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 2          2       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 3          3       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 4          4       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 5          5       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 6          6       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 7          7       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 8          8       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
 9          9       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
10         10       NA <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]> <dbl [250]>
# ... with 2,567 more rows

plotting (ggplot2)


ggplot(examples, aes(x = sort)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = value, colour = axis), size = 1.5) +
  facet_grid(id ~ verified) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 15))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

feature extraction (TSclust)

tdiss <- diss(SERIES = segments$z, METHOD = "PACF")
Class 'dist'  atomic [1:1955253] 1.143 0.625 0.405 0.298 0.633 ...
  ..- attr(*, "Size")= int 1978
  ..- attr(*, "call")= language as.dist.default(m = (distances))
  ..- attr(*, "Diag")= logi FALSE
  ..- attr(*, "Upper")= logi FALSE

dimensionality reduction (Rtsne)


tsne <- Rtsne(tdiss)

tsne$results <- data.frame(
  x = tsne$Y[,1],
  y = tsne$Y[,2],
  verified = segments$verified

dimensionality reduction (Rtsne)

tsne$results %>%
  filter(! %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
  geom_point(aes(colour = verified))

surveying feature extractions (TSclust + Rtsne)

some modelling then...

We now model the binary variable pothole / non-pothole as a function of the partial autocorrelation functions (PACFs) of the z accelerometer axis.

pothole ~ PACF + error

We will do this using library(caret) and randomForest.

random forest (randomForest)

random forest - advantages

  • Model either numeric or catgorical variable…
  • …as a function of mixed numeric categorical variables
  • In-built protection against overfitting
  • Genererl, powerful, fast.

modelling potholes (caret + randomForest)

load stuff in

d <- readRDS("data/pothole_pacf.rds") %>%
  filter(! %>%

setup the control parameters

folds <- createFolds(
  y = as.factor(d$verified),
  k = 3

control <- trainControl(
  method = "cv",
  index = folds,
  savePredictions = TRUE

tuning_grid <- data.frame(
  mtry = seq(1:15)

modelling potholes (caret + randomForest)

fit the model

rf_fit <- train(
  as.factor(verified) ~ ., 
  data = d, 
  method = "rf",
  trControl = control,
  ntree = 500,
  tuneGrid = tuning_grid

Random Forest 

856 samples
 25 predictors
  2 classes: 'FALSE', 'TRUE' 

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 285, 286, 285 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  mtry  Accuracy   Kappa    
   1    0.8586506  0.2533109
   2    0.8755922  0.3960267
   3    0.8861001  0.4842765
   4    0.8831782  0.4746279
   5    0.8901855  0.5226025
   6    0.8872646  0.5173842
   7    0.8878494  0.5238160
   8    0.8860960  0.5219337
   9    0.8901865  0.5383211
  10    0.8890138  0.5407679
  11    0.8843467  0.5260966
  12    0.8860950  0.5291803
  13    0.8855112  0.5302030
  14    0.8825944  0.5223872
  15    0.8825934  0.5254034

Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using  the largest value.
The final value used for the model was mtry = 9.

modelling potholes (caret + randomForest)

see the results


      FALSE TRUE class.error
FALSE    78   65  0.45454545
TRUE     20  693  0.02805049



  • potholes can be identified
  • quite a few false negatives, although ensembling balances predictions
  • distances (TSclust) & compression (Rtsne) useful exploration but not scaleable



  • tidyverse, especially dplyr, purrr, tidyr
  • ggplot2
  • Rtsne
  • TSdist
  • caret
  • randomForest


Thank you @rmnppt rmnppt

Roman Popat